Setting up to Win

You Can’t Expect to Win Unless You Have a Plan

If you want to win, you need a winning plan. Success doesn't happen by accident. Let's explore how you can develop a plan to create a winning week. It all starts on Monday. Are you ready? Let's jump in together. The study guide is below for you to take notes. Feel free to drop your questions and comments as well.

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Welcome to video number two, setting yourself up to win. This is all part of your Monday Mission module, and we're talking about chapters one and two here of a Mind for Sales. And we're going to start looking at chapter two here right now. And it's broken down into two parts. It's a 10 step plan, two parts, one through four, Sunday night and five through 10 Monday. Well, I'll talk about this whole Sunday night Monday issue here in a bit, but here's the whole thing. I want you to think about, if we're to win, we need to have a plan to win and we need to act on it each day. What I find happening is that too many times, and you heard me talk about it in the previous, uh, previous video, that we're not acting, we're just reacting. And if you don't start acting on Monday, it's amazing how the entire week becomes reactionary.


But let's get past this and let's talk about really step one in terms of planning your week. Now, what I mean by that is if you don't know where you're going, how will you know when you get there? Okay. I've talked about that already. Now let's break these things down because I've got four steps on Sunday night and six on Monday. Do I have to do them on Saturday? No, but I would really prefer that you do. Here's the reason. There's something about setting yourself up, but you know I talk about this a lot that tomorrow begins today. Well, tomorrow begins today. So guess what? This week begins today and there's something about coming into the week absolutely prepared and this is why I say now if you don't want to do it Sunday, yeah, you could do it Saturday. You can do it Saturday if you want.


Or worst case, you get yourself up an hour earlier on Monday. Do not get up at your normal time, you must get up an hour earlier to do this because I really want you to create this as incremental time to be focused. And this first step here is really about laying out what are your outcomes? What are the expected outcomes you want to achieve for the week? I'm not big into this, creating this to do list. Initially, I want to create the outcomes. What are the outcomes? Last night, we're taping this on a Monday, Sunday night. This is exactly what I was doing for this week, laying everything out. Now the next piece that you have to ask yourself is in steps two through four is in terms of scheduling your week, and I want you to think about two people, Richard Branson and Mark Cuban.


Both of them do a great job of this, and what they do is they literally put every activity on their calendar, every activity, and they work their time based on their calendar. Now, what do I mean by that? In other words, if they need 30 minutes to think about this, they spend 30 minutes thinking about that and they block it on their calendar, but now here's one of the challenges. What I see happening is that, ah, they put it on their calendar, but they really don't adhere to it. If this is you, then what you have is you have a problem with your success because what it is is you haven't created the confidence. You haven't created the confidence to believe in your plan. Create the conference to believe in your plan. I want to challenge you for one week to absolutely block out your calendar all the way through.


Now does this mean you have to block it out? You know, eight hours? No. It may mean that you block out 45 minutes of every hour. You're going to leave open windows of time. You want to leave open windows of time there to catch stuff that just, that just comes. I totally get that, but here's the whole thing. If you don't do this, it's amazing how your work is going to expand to the amount of time you have. This happens all the time. What happens is we get caught up doing what we want to do. We get caught. This is why I talked about the pizza goal in the previous video. We get caught up and and what happens is we never get to really what we're supposed to do and what I really want you to do is that you've got to be focused in and be ready to run with what are the big things that you need to do.


So you set your calendar up that way. Now back to this whole premise of Richard Branson and Mark Cuban for just a second. One of the things that they do, and one of the things that I do, is keep little blocks of time open. I might schedule myself for 45 minutes. Then I have 15 minutes open. 15 minutes of openness to catch stuff that just pops in. I might have a one hour meeting. I'm going to make that a 50 minute meeting. I'm going to tell people upfront, this is good. We're going to have this done in 45 minutes. I might have a 30 minute meeting. I'm going to say, Hey, let's try and get this done in 20 minutes, 25 minutes. The thinking is that you are able to have time to catch things as they come in along the way.


What's the conclusion with this one? Well, the conclusion is this is you can't expect to win unless you plan to win. Success does not come by accident. It's far more likely to come because you have a plan and you work the plan and the plan starts on Sunday night. I want you to be focused on that and I want you to be thinking, so right now, ask yourself this question normally regardless what day you were watching this, what does your plan look like when you came into Monday morning, did you have a set of objectives? Did you have a set of outcomes that you wanted to accomplish? And here's a little bonus thinking for you. Think about this. What would it look like for the month? What would it look like for the quarter? As we go through this chapter two, the four on Sunday night and the six on Monday morning? They apply just as well to a month or a quarter. I'm Mark Hunter the Sales Hunter Great Selling.

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